Parish: +1 (502) 969-3332 | [email protected]
School: +1 (502) 969-2345 | [email protected]
In the fifth and sixth grades, students continue to build and develop the skills and concepts from the earlier grades. Higher level reading comprehension, vocabulary development, thinking skills, spelling, and writing and grammar skills; mathematical and scientific skills and faith growth are developed.
Scripture, Advent and Lent, The Church, Sacraments, Mysteries of the Rosary, Decimals, Fractions, Rounding/Estimation, Algebraic Equations, Integers, Measurement and Geometry, Ratio and Percentages, Earth Science, Systems, Matter, Energy and Motion, Indians, The Revolution, Colonies, The Constitution, Pioneers, Poetry, Fiction/Nonfiction, and numerous reading topics.
Technology Integration is an emphasis in science, social studies and language arts.
Grading is based upon chapter tests, hands-on unit projects, and daily quick checks/quizzes
Academic Grading Scale