Parish: +1 (502) 969-3332 | [email protected]
School: +1 (502) 969-2345 | [email protected]
Art production is graded with a variety of objectives for each project. Art is ungraded in grades K – 3. Craftsmanship and following directions are always important elements of assessment. Even students who are not “gifted” artistically can produce successful artwork if they work neatly and follow instructions. Additional goals for art production include:
Junior high students work on cooperative projects that are graded in both Art and Computer. Each student receives a typed, detailed page of criteria and instructions after the project has been explained and discussed in class. Research is coordinated between the Art and Computer teachers and the Librarian. Rough drafts are reviewed by both teachers: corrections, suggestions and recommendations are made by both teachers. In Art, twenty percent of the final grade on the project is based on the students’ completing these corrections and recommendations. Plagiarism is not acceptable. Projects are to be written with correct grammar, spelling, and sentence and paragraph structure and in a logical manner.