Counseling Services Curriculum

Counseling Services:

As your School Counselor, Mrs. Herron is a specially trained educator with a Kentucky teaching certification in school counseling. She can provide brief counseling services to our students; however, she is not a therapist and cannot provide the intense one-on-one therapy some of our students and families may need. If your child is struggling to deal with a significant life event that needs more attention than 2 or 3 meetings with Mrs. Herron, please contact her to determine your child’s level of need and for a list of referrals to therapists and agencies in our community. If you would like for your child to receive school counseling services, please print and sign the Parental Consent Form.

Individual Counseling:

Students often ask to speak with Ms. Clements one-on-one for help with friendship, bullying, schoolwork, and family situations. All sessions are confidential, however, all students are encouraged to talk with their parents about their visit. In cases where a child’s safety or mental health may be at risk, Ms. Clements will contact the family directly to discuss concerns. A student can be seen one time for individual counseling without parental consent; however, the parent must sign the Parental Consent Form before additional visits.

Classroom Guidance Lessons:

First through Sixth-grade students participate in the Speak Up, Be Safe program. This is a comprehensive child abuse prevention curriculum, which also covers the topic of bullying. Students learn about the different types of abuse, personal safety, and the 5 safety rules; It’s My Body, Ask an Adult if I’m Safe, I Have Choices, Tell Someone, and It’s Never My Fault.

Middle school students participate in the Second Step program. These lessons run throughout the school year with topics such as communication skills, bullying prevention, emotion management, and substance abuse prevention. These skills help our students be successful in school and throughout their lives.